
Live-Ops contributed to Coin Master’s strong performance in 2022

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Coin Master, the top grossing slots/builder hybrid game developed by Moon Active, generated an average of $70 million in revenue each month last year. We have now opened the game data for free access so that you can better understand the drivers of its long-term success.

Here’s a quick overview from us:

Our data shows that the combination of special offers and event mechanics in the game helped increase revenue throughout the year. The increased focus on Live-Ops towards the end of the year also helped the game maintain its popularity despite market challenges.

A new type of Bonus offer in September, repeated in October and November, was associated with significant revenue growth. This suggests that players find bundle offers with various bonuses appealing.

Coin Master's creators are skilled at combining various offers into a single monetization system for all types of players. For example, during Black Friday, the combination of offers and events seemed to increase players' willingness to make purchases. A variety of offers motivated different types of player profiles to buy. The most notable offers that increased revenue included:

  • Progress Pack, which combines elements of Social Casino and Casual games and links the value of the purchased bundle to the player's progress in the game. An effective offer model!
  • Black Friday Endless offer is a continuation to a series of consecutive deals that likely appealed to "Achiever" player profiles and encouraged them to engage with various game mechanics
  • In Black Friday Pick offer the player could buy one of three offers or all three at a discounted price 
  • Black Friday tuned Piggy bank
  • The players who enjoy gambling and taking risks were likely drawn to Bank Robbery that included the opportunity to spend tokens in Thor's Wheel to get rewards
  • Black Friday Coupon for purchases in the store

Check the event calendar to see the events, features, offers, and updates in Coin Master from 2022. The game will be available until January 18, 2023. 

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2023-01-05 09:28