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Continuous improvement is one of the underlying reasons for long-term success of a game. This includes not only adding more features, offers and events, but also improving and optimizing the existing ones.
Moon Active has continuously increased the amount of new offers and events in Coin Master, and is actively releasing new versions of the ones that have proven to work well. A good example of offers that work are the ones with sequential deals.
Let’s take this offer as an example. The company has been running the offer for long and releases several new versions of it each month, personalizing and optimizing it for different player segments to increase conversion. The variety of rewards in the different versions or the offer engage the players to various game features, including spins, events, pets, and chests. Furthermore, the evolving mechanics such as the option to choose rewards from different options are likely to attract players to pay.

Many variations of this offer allows the game team to collect and analyze data on paying player’s behavior, and identify needs, preferences, and new segments. No doubt this offer type and continuous personalization and optimization of it contributed to the strong performance of Coin Master in 2022.
Have a look how the offer has evolved in Playliner SAAS and see if there is something to learn from it. All Live-Ops data for Coin Master are available for FREE only until January 18, 2023!
2023-01-12 18:53